First Prize: The Watts family (Richard, Ana and Abigail from Christchurch Christian Fellowship)
Second Prize: The K’bergs (Tim and Katie from Arise Church)
Third Prize: The Marjoshi Family (Jayakar and Delphine from Living Waters)
Finals of the Bible Challenge Quiz Competition
were held at Hope Community Church, Hornby on 2nd December, 2017.
Westfield Gift Vouchers were given away – 1st prize: $500, 2nd prize: $300 and
3rd prize: $200/-
An assortment of leather bound, brand new Study Bibles, Women’s Bibles and
Reference Bibles, gifted by Christian Super Store, 370 Colombo Street, Sydenham,
Christchurch, were given to the winners.
Christchurch Bible Challenge, 2017 Certificates